Ask your Senator to support our troops and the brave animals that serve alongside them.

May 28, 2015

Taken from the Best Friends mailer from Memorial Day:

National alertDear Members and Friends:

Memorial Day is the time for us all to give thanks to the brave men and women who serve our country. Our service members risk their lives every day to protect the land they love, the family members and friends who love them, and the animals they care for. And standing right beside these warriors are the military animals who are helping to protect our country at home and overseas.

The military puts these animals to use in a variety of ways, but whatever the job, they all serve their country with dignity and pride. That’s why we think it’s so important to honor these veterans both during their working lives and later, when it’s time to retire. Just like the men and women in uniform, these veterans deserve every chance to have peaceful and enjoyable post-service lives, and they deserve our support.

The 2016 fiscal year military appropriations bill recently passed the House of Representatives and included a provision that mandates that all suitable military animals be made available for adoption. It also says that each animal’s handler – the person who these veterans most trust and rely on – shall be given priority when it’s time to adopt. We can’t think of any better way to say thank you to our human service members or the animals that serve alongside them.

The bill is making its way to the Senate and we want to let Washington lawmakers know that we think this special provision should stay in the final version. I’m asking you to help us right now. We’ve made it easy for you to ask your U.S. senators to support section 594. We all know that politics isn’t a spectator sport, so now is the time for us to stand up for our service members (human and animal alike) and show that we’re behind them.

I know that you’ll help us in this effort like you’ve helped so many times before. Please click here to take action. With your continued support and effort we will truly be able to Save Them AllĀ®.

Thank you,

Gregory Castle, CEO

Best Friends Animal Society

This is what computers are made for.

May 5, 2015

Wanna see a picture of sheer joy?

Derby the dog: Running on 3D Printed Prosthetics

As found at: